06 November, 2016

Kerbal Space Program Mission Log 0.5

Attached is a mission log, to include the crew entries with the date format of YYYYMMDD. Some of the Kerbals don't speak English well, but they do just fine for space work.

KSP 1.2.1
N.3 - Polar Orbit
Crew: Valentina Kerman
Mission: Escape Atmosphere
Make Orbit
Crew Entry: "what an exhilarating experience; first one to leave Kerbin--take that Bob Kerman!"

N.2 - Test Part
Crew: Bob Kerman
Mission: Test LV-T45 while landed on Kerbin
Crew Entry: "don't know why I'm here, but I push the button"

N.1 - First Launch
Crew: Bob Kerman
Mission: First launch
Gather Science from Kerbin
Crew Entry: "went up, then went down, then rolled around and got the dizzy"