Pray, do not hesitate to reach out should you have any inquiries that require addressing. You are most welcome to peruse the various social media platforms listed below, or, should you prefer, consult the menu above for further guidance.
Social Media
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✔ Taji 100
- A biography written by the Comm Whisperer himself
- Information about streaming and the equipment that I use
- Find out about what games that I play during the live streams
- This is a blog afterall, I'll keep it technology/gaming related
- I'm good about contacting you back if you have a question
- I post regular updates on Twitter, to include the stream
- Check out the shenanigans of my gaming live, on Twitch
- My main source of PC gaming these days, if digital
- My twitter usually updates this section, and I include some photos
- DIY and Gaming, Updating Every 3 Days