15 November, 2016

Kerbal Space Program Mission Log 2

More de-orbiting techniques and rescues. Apparently we miscalculated our return trajectory and Valentina needs a hero.

KSP 1.2.1
N.6 - Rescue
Crew: Valentina Kerman
Mission: Retrieve Vally Kerman in Low Kerbin Orbit
Crew Entry: "I was named after my Aunt Valentina"

N.6 - Rescue
Crew: Jebediah Kerman
Mission: Retrieve Magcy Kerman in Low Kerbin Orbit
Crew Entry: "I have a sister named Magcy. Sister?!"

N.7 - the Mun
Crew: Valentina Kerman
Mission: Plant a Flag on the Mun
Orbit the Mun
Do a spacewalk in space around the Mun
Crew Entry: "Great, now we're stuck. I'll never hear the end of it from Jeb!"