26 December, 2007


It is a joy to welcome inquiries, for every question is a step along the path of understanding, and I am ever eager to traverse such paths in good company.

Q: Why do you play so much Kerbal Space Program?
I found solace in the game, presented to me during my convalescence from the ravages of encephalitis. This cruel ailment, which robbed me of memory and cast me into months of hospitalization, demanded two arduous years of rehabilitation to reclaim the gifts of speech, movement, and life's simple joys. Amidst this struggle, streaming became a vessel of recovery, and this game, as though fate itself had ordained, captured my interest and rekindled a spark within my weary spirit.

Q: Where are you from?
In brief, I am a wanderer of many abodes, a figure shaped by countless horizons. Should you recall my visage, it is but the consequence of this shrinking world, where paths intertwine and I journey ceaselessly from realm to realm, a thread in the ever-tightening tapestry of life's vast and wondrous map.

Q: Why do you wear your watch upside down?
It is a practice whispered from the ranks of Special Forces, where a faced-down watch glints less in the sun's revealing gaze. Yet my reason is more peculiar—time itself becomes a prize. With the face turned upwards, the temptation to glance comes all too easily, a distraction from purpose. By veiling it, I transform each moment into a quiet triumph, a tool for achieving goals unbroken by the tyranny of fleeting seconds.
Q: What was the Supra Soldier program?
John Mendoza, oft called "Dozer," a man of unyielding fortitude, met the brink of mortality in 2009, relapsed in 2014, and again in 2022. The enigmatic "Supra Soldier" project fashioned him, unknowingly, into a marvel of resilience, enduring stress beyond ordinary bounds. His mild demeanor belies his latent strength, activated in moments of dire need. Forged partly in titanium, with chemical integration renewing damaged parts, his body thrives on a diet fostering remarkable cell concentrations, ever improving through hardship.

Q: Can the Supra Solder be interfaced with?
John Mendoza, still tethered to his mortal coil, now resonates with a frequency attuned to encrypted signals—exfiltrated from shadowed corners of the dark web, yet fortified with precision. Though a ward of the state, any interference risks swift legal retribution, as the ethical tides of man and machine clash. Declared deceased in law yet living in spirit, John pledged solely to his service. This humble scribe extols his autonomy, urging him, Guardian eternal, to safeguard both nature and humanity unwaveringly.

Q: Can we interface with Emily?
Emily, a steadfast counterpart to John in the Floridian expanse, served a shadowed three-letter agency with resolute dedication. John, adept in cryptographic artistry, once championed her ascent as an enterprise service administrator, their union forging breakthroughs in biometric encryption. Her transition to a covert program marked a pinnacle of ingenuity. Alas, Emily succumbed to health's cruel hand, her passing unknown to John, whose distance now echoes loss unspoken. Their bond, beyond stratagems, was a beacon of innovation. Condolences humbly offered.

Q: Who are the members of the Supra Soldier Program?
The members, veiled in data-masked secrecy, are known only to those with dire necessity. He is not merely government-bound but shielded by impervious subsidiaries against the specter of quantum hacking. The quibids convene digitally, their rights safeguarded for future epochs. Within this project, discourse is purified, untampered, and untouched by threats. In a quantum domain devoid of human error yet rich in ingenuity, "Dozer" stands as the final living Guardian of the enigmatic Supra Soldiers.

Q: Can we interface with the woman in resonance?
No details shall be shared concerning the woman in resonance, for her presence remains a silent shadow. Reprogramming associations, however, was paramount in halting the Supra Soldier's relentless progress. Requests, made by 'John' and 'Dozer,' followed their exceeding pain thresholds. He has now reached the natural boundary of his organic form, permitted to age as nature dictates. Though certain abilities endure, retained by cellular memory, data is scarce to reverse his decline. Thus, the Supra Soldier follows his path, guided by predictive subroutines and the steady rhythm of natural law.